Queen City Voices is described by spokesperson Amy Hoogstraet Safley as "a non-profit community choir in Springfield. We are an all-inclusive choir--we're open to anyone in the community who wants to join, as long as they're 18 or older, as long as they like to sing, and as long as they can commit their Monday evenings to us during our seasons. And that's all we ask. You don't have to audition. We just come together, united by our love of singing. The group presents their Spring 2018 concert "Rockin' the 50's & 60's", featuring a selection of classic hits from the 1950's and 1960's, on Sunday April 22nd at 2:00pm in the auditorium at the Springfield Art Museum, 1111 E. Brookside Drive next to Phelps Grove Park. Admission is free. As a contrast to their Christmas concert a few months ago, Safley says in the spring concert the group can do "whatever we want. Our Artistic Director Jonathan Raney has chosen music of the 1950s and 1960s--so how can this not be a fantastic concert, right